⭐️ Handmade Dandelion Seeds, floating In a flat, silver circular necklace - a gorgeous "Wish" Pendant. Make A Wish All Year Long!
⭐️ Wishes encased in a circular, flat casing on a 20" silver color chain.
⭐️ We specialize in handmade necklaces: chokers, natural stone, crystals, chakra stones, handmade wrap bracelets, BoHo and vintage style pendants, as well as unique movie inspired pendants.
⭐️ Every order ships in a Custom Burlap Jewelry Bag made from recycled material, along with a customizable Bamboo Gift Envelope. Every order is packed and shipped with love and care..
⭐️ All orders ship in 24 hours. Weekend orders ship Monday morning.
⭐️ -- if you want more than one item, we will be happy to oblige by creating a bundle for you --- we love bundles!
⭐️Bundle and save! Create your own unique, discounted bundles here! Now you can select all the items you like and watch your savings add up right on our page! If you have any issues creating a custom bundle please just email help@bbsgifts.com and we would be more than happy to create your custom bundle for you!