⭐️ Double Layer European Coker and Dangle Necklace. Crescent moon at the end of the drop/dangle piece. One star pendant on the center of the choker.
⭐️ 22 inch Chain with Crescent Moon in Gold color chain.
⭐️ We specialize in handmade necklaces: chokers, natural stone, crystals, chakra stones, handmade wrap bracelets, BoHo and vintage style pendants, as well as unique movie inspired pendants.
⭐️ Every order ships in a Custom Burlap Jewelry Bag made from recycled material, along with a customizable Bamboo Gift Envelope. Every order is packed and shipped with love and care.
⭐️ Everything ships in 24 hours ⭐️ Weekend orders ship Monday morning.
⭐️ Bundle and save -- if you want more than one item, we will be happy to oblige by creating a bundle for you --- we love bundles!
⭐️ Create your own unique, discounted bundles! Send us an email to help@bbsgifts.com to describe your own, unique custom bundle -- we will reply with a discount price for the items you would like to bundle.
⭐️ We want your repeat business -- we will go above and beyond to earn it. In the rare event you have any customer service issues, email help@bbsgifts.com. We believe in spreading good karma and will work to gain your trust, satisfaction, and repeat business!